"To whom much is given, much is required." 

Giving back to both our local and global communities is crucial. We are blessed to be a blessing to others. Guided by this principal, a minimum of 20% of all business proceeds support charity (youth, humanitarian, service, community outreach, research initiatives, etc.). We would love to hear about your favorite 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations! Please consider referring your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, or complete strangers to Cowles Real Estate. Together we can ensure our business endeavors serve a greater purpose.

Disclaimer: We reserve the right to donate autonomously and at arms-length to uphold state and federal laws. Donations do not create a pay-to-play, referral fee or kickback scenario.

"I'm honored to be working with Arms of Love International, an organization operating children's home facilities and community development programs in the Philippines and in Nicaragua, protecting children otherwise extremely vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking. I've had the privilege of volunteering in Nicaragua 6 times. I'll never forget the experiences and the people ... it's a blessing to be associated with such a great cause. I also had a powerful experience volunteering with the O'Brien School for the Maasai in Tanzania. Both are fantastic organizations guided by great purpose. If you'd like to hear more about either please don't hesitate to ask."


Volunteering in Tanzania:



Serving in Nicaragua:


Nonprofit Charities

Colorado Real Estate Supporting Charity